Scotland. Challenge Cup. 3rd Round

Rangers B
17 Sep 20:45
Rangers B to Win 2.01
Draw 3.84
Fraserburgh to Win 3.06
Rangers B (0) 1.56
Fraserburgh (0) 2.34
Under 3.5 1.69
Over 3.5 2.09
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Score to Reach
Yes No
0 - 1 2.12 1.61
0 - 2 4.85 1.128
1 - 0 1.71 1.97
1 - 1 2.14 1.60
1 - 2 3.90 1.195
2 - 0 3.20 1.28
2 - 1 3.18 1.285
2 - 2 5.00 1.121
3 - 0 6.45 1.065
3 - 1 5.70 1.089
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Rangers B to Win
Fraserburgh to Win
Rangers B to Win or Draw
Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win
Fraserburgh to Win or Draw
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To Qualify for 4th Round
Rangers B
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Match to End and Method of Qualification
Yes No
Penalty Shoot-Out 3.84 1.22
To Qualify for 4th Round in Normal Time - Either Team 1.22 3.84
To Qualify for 4th Round in Normal Time - Rangers B 2.01 1.71
To Qualify for 4th Round in Normal Time - Fraserburgh 3.06 1.32
To Qualify for 4th Round by Penalty Shoot-Out - Either Team 3.84 1.22
To Qualify for 4th Round by Penalty Shoot-Out - Rangers B 6.40 1.067
To Qualify for 4th Round by Penalty Shoot-Out - Fraserburgh 6.40 1.067
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Correct Score
Rangers B Draw Fraserburgh
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Winning Margin
Yes No
To Win by 1 Goal - Rangers B 3.92 1.192
To Win by 2 Goals - Rangers B 5.65 1.091
To Win by 3 Goals - Rangers B 9.10 1.017
To Win by 1 Goal - Fraserburgh 4.90 1.126
To Win by 2 Goals - Fraserburgh 8.20 1.03
To Win by 1 Goal - Rangers B or Fraserburgh 2.35 1.50
To Win by 2 Goals - Rangers B or Fraserburgh 3.74 1.21
To Win by 3 Goals - Rangers B or Fraserburgh 6.85 1.055
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Winning Method
Yes No
To Win from Behind - Rangers B 8.00 1.032
To Win from Behind - Fraserburgh 10.25 1.005
To Win to Nil - Rangers B 4.45 1.153
To Win to Nil - Fraserburgh 6.60 1.061
To Win from Behind - Rangers B or Fraserburgh 5.40 1.102
To Win to Nil - Rangers B or Fraserburgh 2.93 1.33
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Team to Score + Result
Yes No
Both Teams to Score + Rangers B to Win 3.08 1.30
Both Teams to Score + Fraserburgh to Win 4.40 1.156
Both Teams to Score + Draw 4.15 1.173
Both Teams to Score + Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win 1.94 1.73
Both Teams to Score + Rangers B to Win or Draw 1.90 1.77
Both Teams to Score + Fraserburgh to Win or Draw 2.30 1.52
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Score Draw
Yes No
4.15 1.173
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1st Half + Full Time  
1st Half Result/Full Time Result
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Rangers B (to Win at Full Time)
Draw in 1st Half + Rangers B (to Win at Full Time)
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Rangers B (to Win at Full Time)
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Draw at Full Time
Draw in 1st Half + Draw at Full Time
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Draw at Full Time
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Fraserburgh (to Win at Full Time)
Draw in 1st Half + Fraserburgh (to Win at Full Time)
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Fraserburgh (to Win at Full Time)
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1st Half + 2nd Half
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Rangers B (to Win 2nd Half)
Draw in 1st Half + Rangers B (to Win 2nd Half)
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Rangers B (to Win 2nd Half)
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Draw in 2nd Half
Draw in 1st Half + Draw in 2nd Half
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Draw in 2nd Half
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) + Fraserburgh (to Win 2nd Half)
Draw in 1st Half + Fraserburgh (to Win 2nd Half)
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) + Fraserburgh (to Win 2nd Half)
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1st Half or Full Time
Yes No
Rangers B (to Win 1st Half) or Rangers B (to Win at Full Time) 1.70 2.03
Draw in 1st Half or Draw at Full Time 1.89 1.81
Fraserburgh (to Win 1st Half) or Fraserburgh (to Win at Full Time) 2.32 1.54
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Half with Most Goals
1st Half Equal Number 2nd Half
2.94 3.94 1.92
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Half with 2nd Goal for Rangers B
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
4.45 2.10 2.40
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Half with 1st Goal for Rangers B
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
1.61 5.65 3.125
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Half with 3rd Goal for Rangers B
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
13.75 1.31 3.56
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Half with 1st Goal for Fraserburgh
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
1.88 3.92 3.02
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Half with 3rd Goal for Fraserburgh
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
20.50 1.142 5.20
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Half with 2nd Goal for Fraserburgh
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
6.15 1.65 2.86
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Full Time Result + Total Goals
Yes No
Rangers B to Win + Total Under 2.5 6.20 1.073
Rangers B to Win + Total Under 3.5 3.42 1.25
Rangers B to Win + Total Over 2.5 2.57 1.42
Rangers B to Win + Total Over 3.5 3.90 1.195
Fraserburgh to Win + Total Under 2.5 8.10 1.031
Fraserburgh to Win + Total Under 3.5 4.65 1.138
Fraserburgh to Win + Total Over 2.5 3.90 1.194
Fraserburgh to Win + Total Over 3.5 6.05 1.077
Draw + Total Under 2.5 5.75 1.087
Draw + Total Under 3.5 5.75 1.087
Draw + Total Over 2.5 7.20 1.048
Draw + Total Over 3.5 7.20 1.048
Rangers B to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 3.34 1.26
Rangers B to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 2.32 1.51
Rangers B to Win or Draw + Total Over 2.5 2.04 1.66
Rangers B to Win or Draw + Total Over 3.5 2.78 1.363
Fraserburgh to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 3.84 1.20
Fraserburgh to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 2.84 1.35
Fraserburgh to Win or Draw + Total Over 2.5 2.79 1.36
Fraserburgh to Win or Draw + Total Over 3.5 3.74 1.21
Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win + Total Under 2.5 4.05 1.183
Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win + Total Under 3.5 2.12 1.61
Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win + Total Over 2.5 1.65 2.05
Rangers B to Win or Fraserburgh to Win + Total Over 3.5 2.60 1.41