Edgeworth Eagles
Charlestown Azzurri
Edgeworth Eagles to Win 1.99
Draw 3.58
Charlestown Azzurri to Win 3.08
Edgeworth Eagles (0) 1.54
Charlestown Azzurri (0) 2.36
Under 3.5 1.51
Over 3.5 2.43
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My Markets
Main Markets
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My Markets
Score to Reach
Yes No
0 - 1 2.16 1.59
0 - 2 5.10 1.115
1 - 0 1.71 1.97
1 - 1 2.23 1.55
1 - 2 4.30 1.164
2 - 0 3.34 1.26
2 - 1 3.42 1.25
2 - 2 5.70 1.09
3 - 0 6.85 1.055
3 - 1 6.40 1.067
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My Markets
Edgeworth Eagles to Win
Charlestown Azzurri to Win
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw
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My Markets
To Qualify for Grand Final
Edgeworth Eagles
Charlestown Azzurri
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My Markets
Match to End and Method of Qualification
Yes No
Extra Time 3.58 1.21
Penalty Shoot-Out 6.60 1.062
To Qualify for Grand Final in Normal Time - Either Team 1.21 3.58
To Qualify for Grand Final in Normal Time - Edgeworth Eagles 1.99 1.66
To Qualify for Grand Final in Normal Time - Charlestown Azzurri 3.08 1.28
To Qualify for Grand Final in Extra Time - Either Team 5.80 1.085
To Qualify for Grand Final in Extra Time - Edgeworth Eagles 8.70 1.022
To Qualify for Grand Final by Penalty Shoot-Out - Either Team 6.60 1.062
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My Markets
Correct Score
Edgeworth Eagles Draw Charlestown Azzurri
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My Markets
1st Half Correct Score
Edgeworth Eagles Draw Charlestown Azzurri
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My Markets
2nd Half Correct Score
Edgeworth Eagles Draw Charlestown Azzurri
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My Markets
Winning Margin
Yes No
To Win by 1 Goal - Edgeworth Eagles 3.74 1.21
To Win by 2 Goals - Edgeworth Eagles 5.70 1.09
To Win by 3 Goals - Edgeworth Eagles 9.50 1.012
To Win by 1 Goal - Charlestown Azzurri 4.80 1.13
To Win by 2 Goals - Charlestown Azzurri 8.40 1.027
To Win by 1 Goal - Edgeworth Eagles or Charlestown Azzurri 2.30 1.52
To Win by 2 Goals - Edgeworth Eagles or Charlestown Azzurri 3.86 1.198
To Win by 3 Goals - Edgeworth Eagles or Charlestown Azzurri 7.30 1.046
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My Markets
Winning Method
Yes No
To Win from Behind - Edgeworth Eagles 8.80 1.021
To Win to Nil - Edgeworth Eagles 4.00 1.185
To Win to Nil - Charlestown Azzurri 6.10 1.076
To Win from Behind - Edgeworth Eagles or Charlestown Azzurri 5.95 1.081
To Win to Nil - Edgeworth Eagles or Charlestown Azzurri 2.64 1.40
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My Markets
Team to Score + Result
Yes No
Both Teams to Score + Edgeworth Eagles to Win 3.34 1.26
Both Teams to Score + Charlestown Azzurri to Win 4.85 1.129
Both Teams to Score + Draw 4.15 1.173
Both Teams to Score + Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win 2.14 1.60
Both Teams to Score + Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw 2.00 1.69
Both Teams to Score + Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw 2.42 1.47
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My Markets
Score Draw
Yes No
4.15 1.173
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My Markets
1st Half + Full Time  
1st Half Result/Full Time Result
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win at Full Time)
Draw in 1st Half + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win at Full Time)
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win at Full Time)
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Draw at Full Time
Draw in 1st Half + Draw at Full Time
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Draw at Full Time
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win at Full Time)
Draw in 1st Half + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win at Full Time)
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win at Full Time)
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My Markets
1st Half + 2nd Half
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 2nd Half)
Draw in 1st Half + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 2nd Half)
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 2nd Half)
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Draw in 2nd Half
Draw in 1st Half + Draw in 2nd Half
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Draw in 2nd Half
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 2nd Half)
Draw in 1st Half + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 2nd Half)
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) + Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 2nd Half)
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My Markets
1st Half or Full Time
Yes No
Edgeworth Eagles (to Win 1st Half) or Edgeworth Eagles (to Win at Full Time) 1.72 2.00
Draw in 1st Half or Draw at Full Time 1.84 1.86
Charlestown Azzurri (to Win 1st Half) or Charlestown Azzurri (to Win at Full Time) 2.39 1.51
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My Markets
Half with Most Goals
1st Half Equal Number 2nd Half
2.96 3.74 1.96
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My Markets
Half with First Goal
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
1.27 16.25 4.25
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My Markets
Half with 2nd Goal for Edgeworth Eagles
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
4.95 1.909 2.55
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My Markets
Half with 3rd Goal for Edgeworth Eagles
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
15.75 1.24 4.05
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My Markets
Half with 1st Goal for Edgeworth Eagles
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
1.70 4.95 3.05
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My Markets
Half with 3rd Goal for Charlestown Azzurri
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
24.00 1.095 6.15
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My Markets
Half with 1st Goal for Charlestown Azzurri
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
2.02 3.44 3.02
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My Markets
Half with 2nd Goal for Charlestown Azzurri
1st Half No Goals 2nd Half
7.10 1.52 3.14
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My Markets
Half with Most Goals (Edgeworth Eagles)
1st Half Equal Number 2nd Half
3.22 2.69 2.31
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My Markets
Half with Most Goals (Charlestown Azzurri)
1st Half Equal Number 2nd Half
3.45 2.33 2.53
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My Markets
Full Time Result + Total Goals
Yes No
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Under 1.5 8.50 1.025
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Under 2.5 5.40 1.101
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Under 3.5 3.08 1.30
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Under 4.5 2.54 1.43
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Over 1.5 2.32 1.51
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Over 2.5 2.75 1.37
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Over 3.5 4.45 1.151
Edgeworth Eagles to Win + Total Over 4.5 6.45 1.065
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 1.5 10.25 1.005
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 2.5 7.20 1.047
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 3.5 4.35 1.158
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 4.5 3.65 1.22
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 1.5 3.65 1.22
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 2.5 4.30 1.164
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 3.5 7.10 1.051
Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 4.5 9.60 1.011
Draw + Total Under 2.5 5.10 1.115
Draw + Total Under 3.5 5.10 1.115
Draw + Total Under 4.5 3.74 1.21
Draw + Total Under 5.5 3.74 1.21
Draw + Total Over 1.5 4.15 1.173
Draw + Total Over 2.5 7.90 1.034
Draw + Total Over 3.5 7.90 1.034
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Under 1.5 6.10 1.076
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 2.88 1.34
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 2.07 1.64
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Under 4.5 1.615 2.11
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Over 1.5 1.59 2.15
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Over 2.5 2.21 1.56
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Over 3.5 3.18 1.285
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Draw + Total Over 4.5 5.70 1.089
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Under 1.5 6.95 1.053
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Under 2.5 3.34 1.26
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Under 3.5 2.54 1.43
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Under 4.5 2.01 1.68
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Over 1.5 2.09 1.63
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Over 2.5 3.08 1.30
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Over 3.5 4.30 1.161
Charlestown Azzurri to Win or Draw + Total Over 4.5 8.00 1.033
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 1.5 5.60 1.094
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 2.5 3.48 1.24
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 3.5 1.95 1.727
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Under 4.5 1.61 2.12
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 1.5 1.51 2.32
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 2.5 1.80 1.86
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 3.5 3.04 1.31
Edgeworth Eagles to Win or Charlestown Azzurri to Win + Total Over 4.5 4.50 1.147